
Black Locust 5/4 X 6 Pre-Grooved Decking

Robi® Blend

Robi® Oil


The architect and customer selected Black Locust due to its amazing look and durability, as well as its ability to be stained.  The decking is all Black Locust 5/4 x 6 pre-grooved with Hidden Fasteners from Simpson. 

The side porch is finished in our Robi® Blend, a water based medium brown toned finish. 

The back deck is finished with our Robi® Oil, an all natural oil specially made to finish Black Locust.

Robi Decking is a custom mill and also cut 3 x 12 custom cut stair treads for the project.  We have the ability to custom cut materials like this adding flexibility to designers for the outdoor living areas.